Baptism is our birth as Christians. Through it, we are cleansed of original sin, incorporated into the Body of Christ that is the Church, and it is the beginning in us of the new life Christ imparts through his death and resurrection. It is the role of the father and mother, accompanied by the godparents, to present the child to the Church for baptism. These guidelines are offered to you to help make the preparation for your child's baptism a time for spiritual growth and the ceremony a joyful celebration. Registered members of the parish may have their child baptized in St. Mary's Church. One godparent must be a practicing and believing Roman Catholic who has received the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation, be at least 16 years old, and if married, the marriage must be a valid Catholic marriage. It is through baptism that one enters the Church. Godparents or sponsors represent the Church community. Therefore, it is necessary that one godparent be an active member of the community. A baptized Christian may serve as a witness to the ceremony.
Godparents may be represented by proxies if they are unable to be present for the ceremony. Those serving as proxies must fulfill the same requirements as godparents. Catholics serving as godparents must contact their parish and obtain a sponsor letter or certificate. Please bring the letter or certificate to the baptism.
Each child must have at least one but may have two godparents or sponsors, one male, and one female. Baptism is the gateway to the sacramental life of the Church. The baptismal register of each parish records the sacramental life of each person. During the future years of your child, at times it will be necessary to provide a new certificate of baptism in preparation for other sacraments. This certificate can be obtained by contacting the Church of St. Mary. The parish in which the sacraments of Confirmation, Marriage, and Holy Orders, are received will send a notification to the Church of St. Mary to be entered in the baptismal register here.
Godparent Requirements
Parents are required to attend an hour-long preparation session. The session is arranged by contacting one of the parish priests and is scheduled at your mutual convenience. You do not need to wait until the child is born to attend the session. The date and time of the baptism are scheduled during the preparation session. The session will focus on the meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism, the responsibilities of the parents and godparents in teaching the faith of the Church to the child, and the celebration of the rite. If the child is between the ages of 7 and 14 years, it will be necessary to arrange a brief interview of the child with the priest who will be conducting the baptism. This interview is to ascertain the child's sufficient awareness and knowledge of the Sacrament. At the session, the birth certificate should be presented.
Baptism Guideline / Checklist
In choosing to have your child baptized in the Catholic Church, you are accepting the responsibility of raising him or her in the practice of the Catholic Faith. The preparation process is conducted under the assumption that at least one of the parents is a believing and practicing Roman Catholic. It is an occasion to reflect on your faith and how the faith of the Church will be communicated and lived out in the life of the child. If Catholics have not been practicing their faith, this is an opportunity to rediscover and renew their commitment to the Church. It is an invitation to deepen their knowledge of the faith and to actively live that faith.
Baptism Preparation requirements
Ordinarily, one of the parish priests will celebrate baptisms in the parish. If a family has a special relationship with a priest or deacon from outside the parish he is most welcome to celebrate the baptism. Visiting priests or deacons should contact the pastor to obtain the necessary permission from the parish to conduct the baptism.
Expectant parents should call the Church office to make the necessary arrangements and to participate in our baptismal preparation program.
The Baptismal Class
Baptism Class – February, June, September & November (1st Thursday)
Baptism Rite - 2nd Sunday following 8:30 Mass
Baptism Registration Form
Roman Catholics who attend Mass at St. Mary's but who have no formal relationship with the parish community may speak to one of the priests about establishing a relationship with the intention of celebrating their child's baptism here. Former members of this parish and members of other parishes must speak with both their present pastor and to one of the priests at St. Mary's if they wish to have their child baptized here.
For the convenience of all involved, everyone should be on time for the ceremony. There is no need to rush through your celebration on such an important day. Also, we ask you to please be aware that other parish liturgies may follow yours and it will be necessary to begin those celebrations on time.
If a child was baptized in danger of death, the Rite of Bring a Baptized Child to the Church may be celebrated. This rite celebrates all the additional ceremonies of the baptism rite including the reception and welcoming of the child, anointing, clothing with the white garment, presentation of the candle, and blessings.
All the sacraments, including Baptism, are celebrated as a community in which the Catholic faithful gather in prayer and to listen to the Scriptures.
The dates for Baptism Class:
6:30pm September 7, 2023
6:30pm November 2, 2023
6:30pm February 1, 2024
6:30pm June 6, 2024
Baptism Rite
September 10, 2023 January 14, 2024 May 12, 2024
October 8, 2023 February 14, 2024 June 9, 2024
November 12, 2023 March 10, 2024 July 14, 2024
December 10, 1023 April 14, 2024 August 11, 2024
It is customary to have the baby dressed in white for the ceremony. After the pouring of the water, there is a reference to the white garment. St. Paul speaks of the newly baptized as having "put on Christ." The white garment symbolizes that the newly baptized have "put on Christ." There is an anointing that takes place before the pouring of the water. This anointing is done on the top of the chest area of the child. Please make sure that the baby's clothes are loose enough to provide access to this area for this anointing. The mother holds the baby for the pouring of the water during the ceremony. After the pouring of the water, a small candle is lighted from the Easter candle and passed on to the godfather (or to the Catholic godparent). The candle will be provided by the Church and should be kept by the family as a reminder for the child of his or her baptism. If desired, families may provide their own candle. If the baptismal outfit includes a hat for the baby, please make sure it is removed before, the ceremony. If there are elements that families have traditionally used for baptism (e.g., a special vessel for the pouring of the water, etc.), you are most welcome to bring these to the ceremony for use.
Families who desire to have a child baptized in another parish (Church) should contact a priest in the parish where the baptism will take place and one of the parish priests at St. Mary's Church. Because sacramental preparation is primarily the responsibility of the parish to which you belong, St. Mary's Parish will be very happy to assist our parishioners who desire to have a child baptized in another parish. The priests will work with family and the other parish to provide the necessary preparation in the most convenient way.
the parents and godparents actively participate in the rite.
Contact: Mrs. Robin Landry Thornton 281-787-3920
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available each Saturday from 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Special arrangements can be made by contacting one of the priests for times other than Saturday.
The liturgical action called the Eucharist is also traditionally known as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of the Church's life. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. The holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation.
Our Mass schedule is as follows:
Please let us know if there is someone who is confined to their home and unable to attend Mass with us in our Parish Church on Sunday. We would be happy to bring Communion. Please call the parish office at (713) 528-0571 to make arrangements. We will also visit the sick and homebound.
The preparation for and celebration of sacraments is an important and privileged encounter with God's grace.
The National Directory for Catechesis (p. 114) states:
Dioceses and parish should present sacramental catechesis that
In light of this, the Office of Religious Education provides support for sacramental catechesis in the following areas:
The Children's Catechumenate presents many opportunities and challenges to parishes. In order to welcome unbaptized and uncatechized children above the age of reason, parishes are encouraged to provide the opportunity for catechumenal formation for these children and their families. The OEC offers guidelines, support, and resources to assist those who direct these processes which enable children to be fully initiated into the faith.
Contact Information
For more information please contact: Valerie Harrison
The Archbishop has issued guidelines and ecclesial norms regarding the preparation for and celebration of Infant Baptism.
Every parish must follow these guidelines. Our office offers assistance as needed to explain the guidelines.
Each parish should have a baptismal team consisting of clergy and laity who prepare the family for their child's Baptism. The Archdiocesan guidelines tell how to train an Infant Baptism Team, set up a parish program, design parent meetings, prepare for the baptism liturgy, and follow up with the family after the baptism of their child.
For more information please contact the church office or refer to the Baptism page on this site.
The Archbishop has issued guidelines and ecclesial norms regarding the preparation for and celebration of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
Every parish and school must follow these guidelines. Our office offers assistance as needed to explain the guidelines.
Children shall be prepared for and given the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Penance before the reception of the Eucharist. This usually happens in the second grade when the child is seven years old, but older children should also be prepared if they have not made their First Reconciliation/Penance. The Archdiocesan Guidelines describe how to set up a program, plan parent meetings, select approved texts and prepare for the child's reception of First Reconciliation/Penance.
For more information please contact: Valerie Harrison or Daphine Sands
The age of discretion for First Reconciliation/Penance and Holy Communion is the time when a child begins to reason, that is about the seventh year. The Archdiocesan Guidelines will show the catechetical leader how to set up a program, plan parent meetings, select approved texts, and prepare the child for their First Communion.
Contact Information - First Eucharist
For more information please contact: Valerie Harrison or Daphine Sands
For more information please contact: Valerie Harrison
Catholic adults who are active in the practice of their faith but who, for whatever reason, have never received the Sacrament of Confirmation are encouraged to do so. In this Archdiocese the normal pastoral practice is to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with adults at special Masses throughout the Archdiocese on two occasions: Pentecost Sunday, and early January at the Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany feasts.
At the direction of Cardinal DiNardo, the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis has been working to renew the process of preparation of adults for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
A new process was created in collaboration with pastors, catechetical leaders, Office of Worship, and others. In years past, an announcement was made in the Texas Catholic Herald regarding the location and contact information of parishes conducting formation for the Sacrament of Confirmation for Adults.
Every year, the announcement in the Herald will instead direct potential Confirmation candidates to contact their home parishes. If your parish is conducting formation sessions for Confirmation of Adults, the process remains the same. If your parish does not plan to conduct formation sessions for Confirmation of Adults, the process will consist of welcoming potential candidates and conducting a discernment interview with them to assess readiness to enter sacramental preparation, before referring them to a nearby parish for sacramental preparation. This will help prevent candidates with impediments (baptized non-catholic, marriage issues, etc.) from entering sacramental preparation. If the candidate is deemed ready to enter the formation process after the discernment interview takes place, the candidate may be referred to a nearby parish with a letter from the pastor and a recent copy of his/her baptismal certificate. Thank you for your cooperation in facilitating an encounter with Christ for these adult candidates as they prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Please contact: Tamera Singleton (RCIA)
Paperwork Required
CCE Registration Form
The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston requires that marriage preparation begin at least six months prior to the celebration of the marriage. Please call the Rectory to arrange an appointment with one of the priests. At least one of the couple should be a registered member of the St. Mary of the Purification Parish. If not from the St. Mary’s Church, permission from the parish where you are registered should be obtained.
Here are the steps that are to be followed prior to the Marriage Ceremonies.
Photos and/or videotaping may be taken during the ceremony observing the instructions given by the priest or deacon. Marriage is a sacred moment of rejoicing in prayer. While your desire to record this special moment is understandable, at the same time the joy of this day should not be marred in any way by photo and taping equipment and those who operate it.
The anointing of the sick is administered to bring spiritual and even physical strength during an illness, especially near the time of death. Please contact one of the priests to schedule.