Join us for six, 1-hour sessions to learn more about the Catholic prayers, beliefs, and practices that make St. Mary parish and school community a welcoming place for people of all faiths
Virtual sessions I Thursdays 7-8pm I Jan. 23 - Feb. 27
Register online using QR code or at
Our parish is involved in a national grant-funded project called Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation. Only 220 parishes across the United States were invited to be involved, and our parish is one of them! (Click to read more and participate in the survey)
Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. For the past several years, the Religious Education/CCE program has practiced Corporal Works of Mercy by helping the poor {..cont}
On Saturday, November 11, 2023, our Confirmation Class of 2024 had their Fall Retreat. They began the day with a service project for the parish and then a day long reflection on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The class ended the day with a Gospel Mass honoring the the Black Catholics on the Road to Sainthood. Their performance can be viewed on our YouTube channel